FOCUS REVIEW 7 vocabulary and grammar
Cross out the word in each group which cannot be used with the container.
1 a packet of tea / biscuits / cake / crisps
2 a bunch of bananas / grapes / bread / flowers
3 a pair of clothes / skis / scissors / jeans
4 a bottle of water / jam / milk / shampoo
5 a can of cola / tomatoes / beans / cheese
6 a jar of jam / bananas / instant coffee / mayonnaise
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1 Don't be _ ! You've already had three cakes. GREEDY
2_ is an important quality. We all need friends we can depend on. LOYALTY
3 I hope they'll _ the prices in the sale. REDUCE
4 Have you packed all your _ ? What about toothpaste and shampoo? TOILETRIES
5 There's far too much food _ i throw so much plastic away. PACKAGE
6 This top is really pretty. Why don't you try it on in the _ room? CHANGING
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