1. If you want to see this doctor, you have to get an official…appointment………APPOINT
2. When Meg was in Rome last year, she went…clubbing…………. CLUB
every night.
3. She …behaves in a very responsible way.
4. Last night we spent about two hours discussing the importance
of politics in our life.
5. When you’re camping, it’s necessary to know which direction
the wind is coming from.
6. Some members of the class refused to participate in the
1. She’s so clever; she’s incapable of failing an exam. CAPABLE
2. Don’t you know that it’s illegal to travel without LEGAL
a ticket?
3. He was quite unattractive as a baby, but now he’s very ATTRACTIVE
good looking.
4. That’s a really rude thing to say! I didn’t expect you to be so impolite
5. Life is so unfair! My parents blame me for everything! FAIR
6. My stepbrother is really dishonest because he cheats in tests HONEST
and tells lies.
7. I love all my brothers and sisters because they are never unkind
to me.
8. Don’t talk about money; it’s irrelevant. We are fighting RELEVANT
about sharing a bedroom.
It happened today. As I was walking past the forest, I heard noises. I came up with thought that something happens there. I calmed myself down, when realized it was music and carefully went there to check. After that, when I was walking I saw a hotel. I went inside, and saw a nice lady. I asked her for a key. She checked me in and reminded me that I couldn't leave the hotel to move somewhere else without checking out. I walked in my room. It looked really cool and suitable. I had a balcony. When I went on my balcony I saw some eople playing volleyball right in front of the pool. A girl accidently threw a ball at me, but I caught it up. At the evening I went to the pool and swam there a little. After that, I fell on bed and suddenly fell asleep.