Past simple 1 он сделал это хорошо-he did it very well 2 я спал два часа-i slept for two hours 3 я поехал в италию в прошлом месяце-i went to italy last month 4 мы играли в футбол-we played football 5 ты сделал правильную вещь-you did the right thing 6 мы были на каникулах-we were on holiday 7 она была действительно рассержена-she was really angry 8 мальчики остались дом-the boys stayed at home 9 я пошел в кино вчера вечером- i went to the cinema yesterday evening 10 мы позавтракали час назад-we had breakfast an hour ago present simple do you like rock? тебе нравится рок? does he speak english? он говорит по-? i do not like black coffee. я не люблю черный кофе. she doesn't smoke. она не курит. i do want to help you. я на самом деле хочу тебе . jane does know how to cook. джейн действительно умеет готовить. jim studies french. джим изучает французский. we live in boston. мы живем в бостоне.
1 – When I was about 12, I (1 - ) the chance to go to western China, looking for rare plants in an extraordinary area of the mountains and forests.
a) got
2 – I wasn’t all that (2 - ) in plants.
c) interested
3 – But my dad’s a botanist by (3 - ) and he was going as assistant to Professor Beall, who was leading the expedition.
b) profession
4 – It was an important international expedition and my name was (4 -) not on the list of the participants.
b) definitely
5 – But at the (5 - ) moment, one of the experts broke his ankle.
c) last
6 – Of course, he had to (6 - ) out.
a) drop
7 – It was impossible to get anyone else to go at such (7 - ) notice, so my dad suggested taking me, for experience.
d) short
8 – The professor was so surprised that he agreed without thinking, but he obviously began to (8 - ) doubts as soon as the plane was in the air.
a) have
9 – I remember him (9 - ) that he hoped I was not going to run around.
d) saying
10 – He also hoped I wouldn’t (10 - ) on rare specimens, as if I was a little kid!
a) tread
11 – My dad didn’t say anything as bad as that but he did say he hoped he wasn’t going to (11 - ) bringing me.
b) regret
12 – They didn’t realize it at that time that my only ambition was to get a photo of a wild panda; and in the end that was (12 - ) what I did!
c) exactly