"My Dream Vacation"
I have always wanted to relax on the sea beach and to swim in the sea. I dream of lying under coconut palm trees, thinking of nothing serious, just enjoying southern sun and peace of mind. I just want to have a rest on the sea beach and eat ice-cream and drink cold lemonade, watch sea-gulls touching the sea waves with their wings and crying something to each other. I dream of such a vacation!
"Отпуск Моей Мечты"
Мне всегда хотелось отдохнуть на морском пляже и поплавать в море. Я мечтаю лежать под кокосовыми пальмами, не думая ни о чем серьезном, просто наслаждаясь южным солнцем и душевным покоем. Я просто хочу отдохнуть на морском пляже, поесть мороженого, выпить холодного лимонада, посмотреть, как чайки касаются крыльями морских волн и что-то кричат друг другу. Я мечтаю о таком отдыхе!
with my friends on Sundays. We do not like to attend evening film shows and usually buy tickets for morning or daytime film shows. I prefer to see American, English and other foreign films, but I like our films too.
My favourite cinema actor is Yuriy Nikulin. He is known in all parts of the former Soviet Union and is loved by many people. As a young man Yuriy Nikulin took part in the Great Patriotic War. After the war he entered the All-Union Institute of the Cinematography and became an actor.
Yuriy Nikulin played parts in many films