написать аннотацию к тексту Traffic on roads may consist of pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, streetcars and other conveyances, either singly or together, while using the public way for purposes of travel. Traffic laws are the laws which govern traffic and regulate vehicles, while rules of the road are both the laws and the informal rules that may have developed over time to facilitate the orderly and timely flow of traffic.
Organized traffic generally has well-established priorities, lanes, right-of-way, and traffic control at intersections.
Traffic is formally organized in many jurisdictions, with marked lanes, junctions, intersections, interchanges, traffic signals, or signs. Traffic is often classified by type: heavy motor vehicle (e.g., car, truck); other vehicle (e.g., moped, bicycle); and pedestrian. Different classes may share speed limits and easement, or may be segregated. Some jurisdictions may have very detailed and complex rules of the road while others rely more on drivers' common sense and willingness to cooperate.
Organization typically produces a better combination of travel safety and efficiency. Events which disrupt the flow and may cause traffic to degenerate into a disorganized mess include: road construction, collisions and debris in the roadway. On particularly busy freeways, a minor disruption may persist in a phenomenon known as traffic waves. A complete breakdown of organization may result in traffic jams and gridlock. Simulations of organized traffic frequently involve queuing theory, stochastic processes and equations of mathematical physics applied to traffic flow.
My favorite fairy-tale hero is Malvina from A. Tolstoy’s book “Pinocchio”. This is a blue-hair doll that saves and teaches a wooden boy. I remember her very much because she is prudent, obedient and smart.
Malvina plays in the Karabas Barabas Theater, but, together with other dolls, disrupts the performance when Pinocchio came to him. It is distinguished from others by wisdom, which is combined with beauty and good breeding. The girl’s kindness is also striking, because she saves Pinocchio. The brave dog Artemon removes him from the tree, and the heroine tries to teach the wooden boy good manners. She sees that he lacks education and life experience, and wants to help disinterestedly. But Pinocchio does not appreciate this, falls into the closet and runs away. He did not understand that Malvina is his faithful friend. I was sad that her efforts were in vain. But in the finale, the author rewards the girl with the opportunity to get into a magical land.
Мой любимый сказочный герой – Мальвина из книжки А. Толстого «Буратино». Это куколка с голубыми волосами, которая деревянного мальчика и учит его. Мне она очень запомнилась, потому что она благоразумна, послушна и умна.
Мальвина играет в театре Карабаса Барабаса, но вместе с другими куклами срывает представление, когда на него пришел Буратино. Ее от других отличает мудрость, которая сочетается с красотой и воспитанностью. Также бросается в глаза доброта девочки, ведь она Буратино. Храбрый пес Артемон снимает его с дерева, а героиня пытается обучить деревянного мальчика хорошим манерам. Она видит, что ему не хватает образования и жизненного опыта, и хочет бескорыстно Но Буратино не ценит этого, попадает в чулан и убегает. Он так и не понял, что Мальвина – его преданный друг. Мне же было обидно, что ее усилия пропали даром. Но в финале автор награждает девочку возможностью попасть в волшебную страну.