Нужно сочинение на тему 1)существует много дискуссий о уничтожения тропических лесов, некоторые люди, и администрацией; t волнует эта проблема, в то время как другие считают, что тропические леса, должны быть сохранены 250слов.
There is a lot of discussions about tropic forests. It's one of the main problem in the world. Why? Because some of the people said that tropic forests aren't very useful. And the want to cut down them. Another people said that it's very important. We can't said, that someone is true, but someone is false. This problem has no solution. At all I think that forests are very useful, because in it there are a lot of kinds of animals. It is their home. If we cut down forests, animals will die, because they won't have a home. It's very pity. Forests, actually trees can give us oxygen from carbon dioxed. Oxygen is the main thing, without it we can't live. I don't want to cut down forests, do you? It's only my mind.
Be was / were been быть beat beat beaten бить become became become становиться begin began begun начинать break broke broken ломать bring brought brought приносить build built built строить burn burnt burnt гореть burst burst burst взрываться buy bought bought покупать can could - мочь, уметь catch caught caught ловить, хватать choose chose chosen выбирать come came come приходить cost cost cost cтоить cut cut cut резать do did done делать draw drew drawn рисовать (карандашом) drink drank drunk пить drive drove driven водить (машину) eat ate eaten кушать, есть fall fell fallen падать feel felt felt чувствовать fight fought fought сражаться find found found находить fly flew flown летать forget forgot forgotten забывать get got got получать, становиться give gave given давать go went gone идти grow grew grown расти, выращивать hang hung hung висеть, вешать have had had иметь hear heard heard слышать hide hid hidden прятать hit hit hit ударять, попадать hold held held держать hurt hurt hurt причинять боль keep kept kept хранить; продолжать делать know knew known знать learn learnt learnt учить(-ся) leave left left уезжать, покидать let let let позволять lie lay lain лежать lose lost lost терять make made made делать, изготовлять mean meant meant иметь в виду meet met met встречать; знакомиться pay paid paid платить prove proved proven доказывать put put put класть, положить read read read читать ring rang rung звонить run ran run бегать say said said сказать see saw seen видеть set set set cтавить sew sewed sewn шить sell sold sold продавать send sent sent отправлять, посылать shine shone shone светить show showed shown показывать shut shut shut закрывать, захлопывать sing sang sung петь sit sat sat сидеть sleep slept slept спать speak spoke spoken говорить spend spent spent проводить (время) spoil spoilt spoilt портить spread spread spread расстилать spring sprang sprung прыгать stand stood stood стоять steal stole stolen красть, воровать swim swam swum плавать take took taken брать teach taught taught преподавать, учить tell told told сказать (кому-л.) think thought thought думать throw threw thrown бросать understand understood understood понимать wake woke woken просыпаться, будить wear wore worn носить (одежду) weep wept wept плакать win won won побеждать write wrote written писать
Может быть i want to buy (Я хочу купить) - активное предложение, когда человек совершает действие, не над ним! А так это похоже на пассивную форму предложения, тогда получается I want to be bought( Я хочу быть купленным). Gonna - going to, wanna - want to. Have - модальный глагол, который может быть на 1 месте вопроса в present simple, но не в временах. -Have you got a cat? (У тебя есть кошка?) -Yes, I have(Да, у меня она есть). А так проще повторить английский с самого начала. А так наберите в интернете luke's english podcast, тогда многое из английского станет ясным.
There is a lot of discussions about tropic forests. It's one of the main problem in the world. Why? Because some of the people said that tropic forests aren't very useful. And the want to cut down them. Another people said that it's very important. We can't said, that someone is true, but someone is false. This problem has no solution. At all I think that forests are very useful, because in it there are a lot of kinds of animals. It is their home. If we cut down forests, animals will die, because they won't have a home. It's very pity. Forests, actually trees can give us oxygen from carbon dioxed. Oxygen is the main thing, without it we can't live. I don't want to cut down forests, do you? It's only my mind.