From early childhood, we dream to become adults, have a family, every day to go to work, as our parents. But childhood passes, and it is time to seriously think, "What do I want to become?" This question, I, like other children, I ask myself the age of five. I then, after watching Brazilian soap operas, just wanted to be an actress. But this is just a childhood dream. Now I know that to be a journalist - my calling. I decided to become a journalist two years ago. What attracts me to this profession? First of all, the fact that it is fun and creative. After all, this is great when you wake up in the morning and do not know where to send you, in which the hot spot sensational events you will go with whom you have to communicate, whose lives you take part! In this paper lies a mystery. My dream is to have a youth magazine. I know that a lot of problems in adolescents. Often, these problems have a major impact on their character, views, privacy. Because of the public - that the conflicts and failures they are not thinking about school, friends, about his future. They care about this problem. And teens are choosing "the only right decision": start drinking, smoking, taking drugs, trying to commit suicide. And my journal will help these guys really find the right solution. Also, I want to help the girls with their advice to establish privacy in category "SOS", for that I should get an education psychologist. This thought came to my mind for a long time, since my friends often ask me for help. I read books on practical psychology and to find answers to the many questions that help me in my life. So I want my advice helped the girls to solve their problems, because often it happens that a stranger is easier to pour out his heart than the very close. I also want to be in my magazine published photos of girls. No photo models and ordinary girls. After all, each in his heart wants to appear on the covers of fashion magazines. Why not help? I think that the work of the journalist attracts me to communicate with people. After all, their day by day I'll learn more and more involved in their lives, if only because they just trusted me with their story. The journalist, in my opinion - the most interesting profession. Interesting and very responsible. When I feel like I should do something useful for the people, I understand that I need someone, so, I do not live in vain!
1.This is A house. It is THE house made of wood. 2.This is THE house that Jack built. 3. Your blouse is in a washing machine. It will be ready for tomorrow's party. 4. What a lovely dress! Are you going to wear it? 5. In a good library there are always lots of children's books. 6. The story was so exciting that children could hardly believe their ears. 7. Books looks very unusual. I haven't seen the book like this before. - I'm not surprised. It's a very old and expensive book. 8. I know the man who lives in the house.
A) 1. Это класс. 2. Есть студенты в ... ..lecture зале. 3. Одинстудент стоит у доски, другие сидят. 4. Есть цветы на Таблица. 5. Существует стол ... .. посреди комнаты. 7. Есть ... .. разныестраны отмечены на карте.Б) 1. Наша группа имеет Курсы английского языка в два раза ... неделю. 2. Все ...Члены …. суд магистратов поддержали приговор. 3. Я первый годкурсанты юридического института Донецкого. 4. Украинская милиция отмечает свой профессиональный праздникна ... 20 декабря 5. Я могу встретиться с вами в ... полседьмого. 6. портноидом в пригороде Шеффилда.C) 1. Разгром ... автобус №11 является ... .. самый длинный в городе. 2. ... Гаага является столицейиз Голландия. 3. Киев расположен на берегу Приднепровье. 4. " Times" есть английский ежедневная газета. , 5. Летом года компания ... Большого театрабыл на гастролях в страны Южной Америки. 6. ... ..Big Бен часы хорошо известныA) В) 1. hes got, a. 2
From early childhood, we dream to become adults, have a family, every day to go to work, as our parents. But childhood passes, and it is time to seriously think, "What do I want to become?"
This question, I, like other children, I ask myself the age of five. I then, after watching Brazilian soap operas, just wanted to be an actress. But this is just a childhood dream.
Now I know that to be a journalist - my calling. I decided to become a journalist two years ago. What attracts me to this profession? First of all, the fact that it is fun and creative. After all, this is great when you wake up in the morning and do not know where to send you, in which the hot spot sensational events you will go with whom you have to communicate, whose lives you take part! In this paper lies a mystery.
My dream is to have a youth magazine. I know that a lot of problems in adolescents. Often, these problems have a major impact on their character, views, privacy. Because of the public - that the conflicts and failures they are not thinking about school, friends, about his future. They care about this problem. And teens are choosing "the only right decision": start drinking, smoking, taking drugs, trying to commit suicide. And my journal will help these guys really find the right solution. Also, I want to help the girls with their advice to establish privacy in category "SOS", for that I should get an education psychologist. This thought came to my mind for a long time, since my friends often ask me for help. I read books on practical psychology and to find answers to the many questions that help me in my life. So I want my advice helped the girls to solve their problems, because often it happens that a stranger is easier to pour out his heart than the very close.
I also want to be in my magazine published photos of girls. No photo models and ordinary girls. After all, each in his heart wants to appear on the covers of fashion magazines. Why not help?
I think that the work of the journalist attracts me to communicate with people. After all, their day by day I'll learn more and more involved in their lives, if only because they just trusted me with their story.
The journalist, in my opinion - the most interesting profession. Interesting and very responsible. When I feel like I should do something useful for the people, I understand that I need someone, so, I do not live in vain!