1) Chinese IS SPOKEN in Singapore. 2) The Tower of London WAS BUILT around the 2nd century 3) The new hospital WILL BE OPENED next year. 4) She IS BEING INTERVIEWED now. 5) I realized I WAS FOLLOWED 6) ARE YOU INVITED to Andy’s party? 7) He found that all his money HAD BEEN STOLEN. 8) These computers ARE MADE/WERE MADE in Korea. 9) Passengers ARE NOT ASKED to speak to the driver. 10) Sorry about the noise -the road IS BEING MENDED. 11) The village church WAS BURNED DOWN last year. 12) A Roman pavement HAS JUST BEEN FOUND under Oxford Street.
- Hello, Jane! - Hi! I missed you. I haven't seen you for year! - I'm happy to meet you too. - So, what we are going to order? - What they have to offer? - I like this café so much, there are a lot of desserts, such as chocolate and berry muffins, chocolate cakes, cakes with nuts, cookies, donuts, ice cream. Oh, there's also a lemon pie. - Have they got tiramisu? - I'm afraid there isn't any left. - OK, I think I'll have a lemon pie then. - Would you like something to drink? - A cup of coffee, please. - OK, and I will have a chocolate cake, donuts and tea. Wait for a minute, I'll bring desserts.
2) The Tower of London WAS BUILT around the 2nd century
3) The new hospital WILL BE OPENED next year.
5) I realized I WAS FOLLOWED
6) ARE YOU INVITED to Andy’s party?
7) He found that all his money HAD BEEN STOLEN.
8) These computers ARE MADE/WERE MADE in Korea.
9) Passengers ARE NOT ASKED to speak to the driver.
10) Sorry about the noise -the road IS BEING MENDED.
11) The village church WAS BURNED DOWN last year.
12) A Roman pavement HAS JUST BEEN FOUND under Oxford Street.