1. ...It is being repairEd now.
В вопросе настоящее время (is), в ответе тоже настоящее
2. I kept looking round, because I thought I was being followed.
В первой части предложения во второй
3. We had to keep very quiet while the students were being examinEd.
В первой части во второй
4. I can’t use my office this week because it is being paintEd.
В первой части настоящее (can’t)
5. ...She is being interviewEd.
В вопросе настоящее (is)
6. They say they‘ll put things righ, but nothing were being done.
Косвенная речь
7. I had to wait for a few minutes while the papers were being translatEd.
В первой части предложения
8. Why do I always feel nervous while my passport is being checkEd.
В первой части - настоящее (do; always)
Tsunami is a terrible natural disaster.
Many countries and human lives have suffered in the aftermath of these disasters.Countries washed by large bodies of water are exposed to the tsunami invasion.Previously, people thought that such cataclysms were the revenge of the gods. Now there is a scientific explanation for this.Many people lose their loved ones in the aftermath of terrible cataclysms. People have to move in order not to risk their lives and the lives of their loved ones.