1. His father CAME back to London last Sunday.
2. They HAVE JUST BOUGHT some postcards.
4. I WAS in the USA last summer.
5. Yan WROTE a letter to Nick two days ago.
6. I SAW Tom last night. – Oh, really. I _HAVEN'T MET him for ages.
7. What DID YOU DO last Sunday? – I _SPENT it at home.
8. HAVE YOU EVER WON a cooking competition? – Yes, I WON in 2008.
9. I CUT some flowers from my garden yesterday.
10. I HAVE JUST CUT lots of flowers from my garden.
11. The artist DREW a picture of sunset yesterday.
12. She HAS DRAWN many pictures of sunsets in her lifetime.
13. I FED birds at the park yesterday.
14. HAVE you _EVER FED_birds at the park?
15. We first MET in 2001. So we__HAVE KNOWN_each other for 8 years.
if I could create the perfect school it would be this: my school would be near the house so it was not far to go, the lessons would have been reading at 9 and lasted for 35-40 minutes, at this school it would be possible to choose which lesson to go / 52 слова
если бы я мог создать идеальную школу то она была бы такая: моя школа находилась бы рядом с домом чтоб было не далеко ходить, уроки начитались бы в 9 и длились 35-40 минут, в этой школе можно было бы выбирать на какой урок пойти