My family likes doing creative things.
My dad takes photos. He's always got his camera with him.
My mum draws but with pens, not pencils.
She paints too - I think her pictures are like Picasso's.
My youngest sister dances - she's learning lots of styles, but her favourite is ballet.
My brother acts in plays. At the moment, he's doing Romeo and Juliet.
My eldest sister reads - two or three a week! She enjoys funny ones best.
She also writes stories on her computer. They're always very good.
Me? I sing all day, every day. I love pop songs.
I would really like to play an instrument one day too - maybe the guitar.
1) agriculture is he art and science of producing crops. reaping soil and raising cattle.
2)the pictures below show: porridge, notepad and minibus. 1. porridge, in agriculture, is due to the fact that it is more often prepared and eaten in villages, since all wheat and products for porridge grow there. 2. Notepad, agriculture use that it write notes instead of tablets. 3. a minibus, on which people from rural areas move to other places.
3)yes, because it is quite comfortable and useful for the body.
на русском:
1)земледелие-это искусство и наука производства урожая. жать землю и разводить скот.
2)на картинках ниже изображены: каша, блокнот и маршрутка. 1. каша, в сельском хозяйстве связана тем что её чаще готовят и едят в селах, так как там растет вся пшеница и изделия на каш. 2. блокнот, в сельском хозяйстве используют тем, что в него записывают заметки вместо планшетов. 3. маршрутка, на ней люди сельских мест передвигаются в другие места.
3)да, потому что это достаточно комфортно и полезно для организма.
Нужно прослушать, а аудио не прикреплено