Millions of people play and watch football. As a result, it is the most popular sports game in the world. By the way, it's in the Olympics game. This kind of sport is very ancient. However, football wasn't famous until 1900s. The modern version of the game came from England.
Football is an outdoor game for 2 teams of 11 players. The goalkeeper is the only person who can touch the ball with his hands. The other player can only kick or roll the ball. The winner is the team with most goals at the end of the game.
Football makes us more healthy, more organized and more friendly. As it is a very popular game you can make a lot of money and become famous.
ответ:До ть.Я зараз на безлюдному острові. Я тут довго не протримаюсь тому що тут мало харчів, лише кокоси і манго. Ще на ньому багато різних комах і незвичайних тварин яких я ще ніколи не бачів. Острів хоч і маленький але тут легко заблукати. А якщо залісти на дерево можна побачити незвичайно красивий вид. Якщо ви це читаєте будь-ласка до ть.
Help me. I'm on a desert island now. I will not hold out here for long because there is little food here, only coconuts and mangoes. There are many different insects and strange animals that I have never seen before. The island, though small, is easy to get lost in here. And if you climb the tree you can see an unusually beautiful view. If you are reading this please help.