Sport and Healthy LifestyleСпорт и здоровый образ жизниSport and health are closely related. Generally speaking health has several components and sport is one of them. Others are healthy diet, hasteless and calm lifestyle, being in harmony with yourself and with others and positive attitude, of course. Sport is regarded more as a component of physical health. However, everybody knows that healthy body means sound mind. Sport is mostly associated with young people, but that’s a false opinion. Many old people also regularly exercise. Nowadays, there are several ways to keep fit. First is to do regular morning exercises. Second is to exercise during the day through cycling, roller-skating, walking in the park, jogging, swimming, ice-skating etc. And the third way is to attend specialized fitness – centers, which can be found nearly everywhere now. They offer wide opportunities for people with different needs. They are often combined with swimming-pools or ice-rinks. There are many opportunities for such exercises as yoga, aerobics, karate, belly dancing, body building, weightlifting, and a simple work out in the gym. Children also have numerous opportunities to keep fit. Every school offers physical education as a compulsory subject. Some schools even offer swimming lessons in summer and skiing lessons in winter. The most popular sports in our country are gymnastics, figure skating, football, hockey, skiing, athletics, swimming, tennis, basketball, volleyball and some others. Everybody can choose the type of sport they want to do. Some people even become professionals; some simply do it as an amateur in order to maintain a healthy
Идеальная школа – это школа свободного выбора, когда каждый ученик может выбирать занятия, на которых ему интересно, которые важны лично для него. Идеальная школа должна предоставлять детям право выбирать предметы, учителей, форму работы и индивидуальный темп.Идеальная школа – красивая, с хорошей мебелью, с оборудованным спортивным залом. Учителя должны дружить между собой, приглашать детей в гости. В старшей школе нужно давать право выбора занятий, а с первого класса можно позволить выбирать тем, чьи родители хотят разрешить детям свободный выбор. У учителей не должно быть любимчиков, ко всем они должны относиться одинаково. Вот что такое идеальная школа !
1) Hello Arthur, I've hot two tickets for a volleyball match that will be tomorrow. New York city team will play vs Chicago. It's going to be an amazing match! It starts at 7 pm, so we can meet at 6.30. Call me back! Bye, Alex Dear George, I'm having a nice holiday at Dubai beach now with my family. It's the first time I see the see and it looks awesome! I never thought that it is that beautiful. Yesterday we were at Burj Khalifa, the highest building in the world! I can't even explain my feeling when I first saw it! It looks so huge. It is only the third day I am here, so there's a lot of for me to see. I'm going to write you again in a few days. How are you? How is your holiday? Love, James