Преобразуйте утверждение в расчлененный вопрос. 1. they export these goods to italy. 2. our manager will go to africa or asia. 3. they bought a new fax machine yesterday. 4. the prices are steadily rising. 5. my friends didn’t play tennis yesterday.
1. They export these goods to Italy, don't thay? 2. Our manager will go to Africa or Asia, won't he? 3. They bought a new fax machine yesterday, didn't they? 4. The prices are steadily rising, aren't they? 5. My friends didn’t play tennis yesterday, did they?
Каждый год все американцы празднуют День Благодарения. Эта история началась в 1620 году, группа людей решила покинуть Англию и уехать жить в Америку для того чтобы быть свободны и исповедовать свою религию. 16 сентября 1620 они покинули Плимут, порт на южном побережье Англии на корабле"Мэйфлауэр". Колонистам потребовалось около месяца или двух, чтобы пересечь Атлантический океан, но 9 ноября они увидели Америку. многие заболели и умерли, прежде чем они прибыли в Америку. Колонистам было очень тяжело в первое время, но им индейцы.Традиционной едой в этот день является индейка и тыквенный пирог.
Easter in Finland in 2012 April 8. Easter in Russia on April 15th. In the temples of Finland held an Easter service. All stores in Finland and shopping centers are closed on April 8.Religion in Finland.Until 1889 Finnish citizens, as Christians, have the right to belong to Lutheranism and Orthodoxy. According to the law in 1889, along with the above denominations, the Finns were allowed to practice and Protestantism. In 1923, the law has allowed to establish other religious communities. Now in addition to the Finnish Lutheran and Orthodox religious communities have such as Pentecostalism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Baptists, Methodists and Adventists. All these religions are Christianity. In Finland, Lutherans confess almost 80% of citizens. Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is funded by the state and, as a consequence of a state.The second state religion in Finland is Orthodoxy and also funded by the state.The rest of the community build on self-financing. Three temples in Savonlinna.On the way to the Finnish town of Savonlinna, our tour bus makes a stop in the village Kerimäki most unique temple in Europe. What is interesting temple described in the article, please go to the following link: church in Kerimäki. Boreas tour guides are worried about the lack of tour time, as in the one-day tours is not possible to present in detail three temples Savonlinna.
2. Our manager will go to Africa or Asia, won't he?
3. They bought a new fax machine yesterday, didn't they?
4. The prices are steadily rising, aren't they?
5. My friends didn’t play tennis yesterday, did they?