My name is Jurgen. I work for Ecco, a firm that makes shoes. Every year my firm sends me abroad, usually to Thailand. But last year they sent me to Chicago. I went to Chicago because the firm bought a new factory there last year. In the United States I ran a seminar that the firm held for our new suppliers. I was giving a presentation and was speaking at meetings every day. I really enjoyed my time in the United States. Usually when I go on a business trip I meet lots of people but did not make any good friends because of the culture gap. But in the United States it was very different. I found that all the people I met were very friendly. They had even thrown a big party for me before I left.
тебе нужно написать письмо или просто ответить?
если ответить то это же очень легко.
What is your name? - как тебя зовут? (тоесть ты пишишь my name is ...)
How old are you?- сколько тебе лет? (I am ... вмето точек пиши свой возраст)
Can you sing?- можешь ли ты петь? (отвечаешь Yes I can если можешь или No I can't если не можешь)
Can you play chess?-умеешь ли ты играть в шахматы?( отвечаешь Yes I can если умеешь или No I can't если не умеешь )
Have you got a pet? - у тебя есть домашние животные?(если есть отвечаешь Yes i have если у тебя нет домашних животных отвечаешь no i haven't)
After independence from Britain, first President George Washington proposed to celebrate thanksgiving every year on November 26. Over time, this festival has secured its own day - the last Thursday of November. On this subject, the US Congress even passed a bill in 1941. And so over time, Thanksgiving has become one of the biggest holidays of the United States. This year it falls on November 26.