1) The national day in Wales is celebrated on 1st of March. T The biggest stadium of Wales is situated in Cardiff. T The highest mountain of Wales is called Snowdonia. T The biggest Welsh waterfall is situated very high in the mountains. T People say that the water in St. Winifred’s Well has healing powers. T You can go mountain biking in Northern Ireland. T Northern Ireland has one of the worst gardening climates in the world. F The Waterfront Hall is an exhibition center in Belfast.T There are three historical museums in Northern Ireland. F You can discover a lot about the Navy in Northern Ireland. F 2) taller larger shorter highest better higher the most beautiful better longer shorter
1. The Thames is (shorter) than the Volga. 2. The Arctic Ocean is (colder) than the Indian Ocean. 3. Chinese is (more difficult) than English. 4. Spanish is (easier) than German. 5. Today the weather is (colder) than it was yesterday. 6. This book is (the most interesting) of all I have read this year. 7. January is the (coldest) month of the year. 8. My sister speaks English (worse) than I do. 9. Which is the (hottest) month of the year? 10. Which is the (most beautiful) place in this part of the country? 11. This good-looking girl is the (best) student in our group. 12. Her eyes are (greyer) than mine. 13. He was the (fattest) in the village. 14. As he went on, the box became (heavier) and (heavier). 15. My sister is the (tallest) girl in her class.
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