1. if the person is found guilty, The punishment is passed by the presiding judge.
is found - форма Present Perfect от глагола to find, залог пассивный.
is passed - форма Present Perfect глагола to pass, залог пассивный.
Перевод: Если человека признают виновным, верховный судья выносит приговор.
2. Magistrates are responsible people who have no formal legal qualifications.
are - форма present continous глагола to be, множественное число,залог активный
have - present indefinite, множественное число, залог активный
Перевод: Магистраты - это ответственные люди, у которых нет формальных легальных квалификаций.
3. Most American prisons were built during the 19th century and were maximum security prisons.
were built - Past Indefinite, множественное число, пассивный залог
were - Past Indefinite, множественное число, залог активный
Перевод: Большая часть американских тюрем была построена в 19 веке и служила в основном безопасности.
4. The Common Law in England developed from its Anglo-Saxon Beginning.
developed - Past Indefinite, единственное число, залог активный
Перевод: Общее право в Англии произошло из англо-саксонских начал.
1. What was the best decision you have ever made?- The best decision I have ever made was to give up doing sport.
2. What was the most difficult promise somebody has given you?- The most difficult promise somebody has given me was not to lie me.
3. What was the most difficult promise you have had to give? Did you keep it? - The most difficult promise I have had to give was to study well at school. Yes, I did.
4. What do you want/hope/dream to do after you finish school?- I want to enter the university after I finish school. I hope to travel a lot after I finish school. I dream to make many friends after I finish school.
5. What do you need to do to fulfil your dream?- I need not to be so shy to fulfill my dream.