Составить ответы! do you like the room you live in? can you describe it? what modern conveniences do you know? if you were given a chance to have your own house, what would it be like? do you like your neighborhood (area)? why/why not?
I like my room.It is very nice and brightly. there was one bed,there was computer on the desk and big bookcase with books.I will build my house by two flour because it is my dream.I like my neighbourhood because I was born here.
He said to come quickly. He asked if I had arrived before even. I asked how his holidyay had been. She said that she would had visited the hospital if she had known I had been sick. I said not to touch. She said that she would see Mary on Sunday. She said that Pete and Mary were getting merried the following day. She said that Stephan was bringing some records to the party the following day. She said that she really liked that furniture. She said that her parents were arriving the following day.
1. Эволюция жизни на Земле началась с момента появления первого живого существа — около 3,7 миллиарда лет назад (а по некоторым данным — 4,1 млрд лет назад) и продолжается по сей день. Сходство между всеми организмами указывает на наличие общего предка, от которого произошли все другие живые существа. 2.Изменение погодных условий, смена места жительства, вымирание животных/появление новых рас, живых организмов, растений 3. В кайнозойскую эру, примерно полтора миллиона лет назад 4. Происхождение от обезьяны 5. В мире существует множество гипотез на тему появления людей, одна из них происхождение человека от обезьяны, т.е мутация тела обезьяны и превращения в более развитый вид