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Составить 10 предложений со словами speak about twinky

Twinky love meat
Twinky have blue t-shirty
Twintky have got cat
Twinky love cats
Twinky love dogs
Twinky love rabbits
Twinky love birds
Twniky love drugs
Twinky love elephonts
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I would like to tell you about Polina Gagarina (смотри ниже) and Lionel Messi, who is one of the best footballers  of nowadays and one of the best football players of all times! He was the best player in the world in the years 2009-2012. (на выбор)))
Lionel Messi was born in June 1987 in the city of Rosario, in Argentina. He has two brothers and a sister. Two of his cousins are also footballers. His father's family comes from Italy, but the ancestors moved to Argentina in 1883.
Messi stared playing football when he was 5 years old. His father, a factory worker, was his first coach. Messi's grandmother wanted him to become a footballer and she herself brought Lionel to sport club trainings. Later on Lionel often devoted his first goals to her.
When the boy was 11 his family moved to Barselona. At 13 Lionel became a member of "Barselona" club team to which he belongs up to now.
Lionel Messi is married and has two sons.
Together with his team he won a lot of Europian and World Championships.
As the best player he was awarded 5 times the prize "The Gold Ball" and one prize "The Diamond Ball". The newspapers wrote: "...His legs are like Maradona's, his speed is like Crowford's and he passes like Ronaldinio"

Я хочу рассказать о Лионеле Месси, который является одним из лучших футболистов современности и одним из лучших игроков всех времен! Он был лучшим игроком в мире в 2009-2012 годах.Лионель Месси родился в июне 1987 года в городе Росарио, в Аргентине. У него есть два брата и сестра. Двое его кузенов также футболисты. Семья его отца родом  из Италии, но предки переехали в Аргентину в 1883 году.Месси начал играть в футбол, когда ему было 5 лет. Его отец, рабочий фабрики, был его первым тренером. Бабушка Месси хотела, чтобы он стал футболистом, и она сама водила Лайонела на спортивные тренировки клуба. Позже Лионель часто посвящал ей свои первые голы.Когда мальчику было 11 лет, его семья переехала в Барселону. В 13 лет Лионель стал членом команды клуба "Барселона", которому он принадлежит до сих пор.Лионель Месси женат и имеет двух сыновей.Вместе со своей командой он выиграл много чемпионатов Европы и мира.Как лучший игрок он был награжден 5 раз премией "Золотой мяч" и призом "Бриллиантовый мяч". Газеты писали: "...его ноги, как у Марадоны, его скорость, как у Кроуфорда и его пассы как у Рональдинио"

Full name: Polina Gagarina
Country: Russia 
Date of birth: 27 March,1987 (Saratov)
Family: She's married; Son: Andrew.
Hobbies: Singing and writing songs.
Polina Gagarina is a Russian pop singer, songwriter, actress and model.
In the year two thousand three Polina Gagarina took part in the television project "Star Factory 2". She won the contest. She starred in  five films. She has eighteen of her own clips. Polina Gagarina speaks Greek.
In the contest "New Wave"- she won the 3rd place.
In the contest "Folk star"- she won the 2nd place.
In May 2015 she represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2015, where she won 2nd place.
4,5(47 оценок)


Studying abroad seems to many people something impossible. No one doubts the value of a foreign diploma, but many are put off by the difficulties that an applicant and a student of a foreign University will certainly have to face. Is the game worth the candle? What will you get in a foreign University? What problems will need to be solved?

before making a decision about studying abroad, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

Pros and cons of studying abroad Advantages

1. High level of education

This is probably the main reason to study abroad. Universities in Western countries occupy the top positions of influential ratings: QS (from the consulting company Quacquarelli Symonds), THE (from the Times newspaper) and ARVU (from the Institute of higher education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University). These ratings for several years put the highest ratings on universities in the United States and great Britain (Stanford University, Harvard University, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge). The top 100 also includes universities in Canada, Japan, Australia, and Switzerland.

The main evaluation criteria are the level of research, contribution to innovation, international student and teaching activities, number of scholarship programs, citation of scientific articles, level of educational services and reputation among employers.

2. Popular diplomas

Despite Russia's accession to the Bologna process, foreign employers are wary of Russian diplomas. Therefore, those who are set up for an international career should take into account that a foreign diploma is valued both in Russia and in Western countries. In addition, with a Russian bachelor's or specialist's degree, a student can get an international master's degree in their own specialty or go to a postgraduate program in another direction, which is equivalent to a second higher education.

Pros and cons of studying abroad

3. Improving the language

A foreign language is now useful in any profession and in any company-both in Russia and abroad. Full immersion in the language environment at a foreign University is the most effective way to master it. Many universities offer programs in English and in the official language of the country, so if you go to study in another country, you will have the opportunity to learn a new language and improve your English.

4. Experience of international communication and contacts around the world

"Always remember that the qualification itself will not give you a job. The network of contacts you have will give you a job, " says David Winsor, business development Manager at the European Business School in Germany, in an interview with IQ Consultancy.

Foreign universities are proud of the multinational composition of the student body. This gives you the experience of international communication and is a great way to establish international professional contacts. Representatives of leading companies come to prestigious universities to meet students, and classes are often held by invited lecturers from all over the world.

5. Opportunity to get a job before graduation

Western universities have career development centers that help students and graduates get a job. Universities also host job fairs, work communities of former graduates, and internships during training allow you to establish yourself in the eyes of a future employer. In General, for a successful graduate of a European or American University, it is not a problem to get a job with the accumulated knowledge and skills during their studies.

For example, at Les Roches University, 89% of graduates receive a job offer immediately after graduation, 82% of graduates of the Italian NABA Academy and 88% of Polimoda graduates find a job within six months after graduation, and the employment rate of students of the American Philadelphia University (ISES) reaches 95%.

The pros and cons of studying abroad

6. The liberal approach to the educational process

In Western universities, students are relatively free to choose the subjects to study, although, of course, there is a set of mandatory subjects necessary for high-quality preparation for the future profession. Many classes are held in the form of discussion seminars. Teachers are always open for communication, and students can use equipped laboratories, computer classes, and media libraries. This approach has proved to be effective, since the responsibility for the results falls on the students themselves and directly depends on the effort and motivation.

7. The opportunity to travel

Studying at a foreign University is a chance to see the world and meet new countries and cultures. For example, while studying in Switzerland, you can visit France, Germany, Italy, Austria and other nearby European countries, and students of American universities can travel all over the continent.

4,6(86 оценок)
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