Есть много недостатков пребывания в школе, к вам все ещё относятся как к ребенку, учителя знают вашу историю, и вы не получаете другого жизненного опыта. Я остался в школе, потому что это был простой выбор, и мне не было так страшно, как уйти в колледж. Вскоре я понял, что люди, которые учились в колледже, занимались более интересными вещами, как правило, имели лучший выбор предметов и к ним относились как ко взрослым. В конце концов я бросил школу и поступил в колледж. Колледж с шестилетним обучением обеспечил отличную атмосферу и хорошую подготовку к поступлению в университет. Я очень серьезно отнёсся к учёбе и усердно там работал.
1. Who visited you yesterday? -My son's friends. We were very excited to have them. They stayed (stayed) with us until the evening. 2. Where were you yesterday? “I went to Ki no.” Did you like the movie? - Yes, this is an interesting film. I really liked him. - When did you come to mine? - I came home late and immediately went to bed. 3. We read the new text on the lesson the day before yesterday. Then the teacher asked us questions, and we answered them. 4. What time did you have lunch today? - I gave both in three. 5. Do you like to play chess? - Yes, but I rarely (not often) play chess now. I often played chess last year. 6. I usually spend the end of the week with my family. We decided to go out of town last Sunday. We went there in the morning. The weather was good and we returned to the city late in the evening. 7. My little son loves asking many questions and I always answer them. 8. Where were you yesterday? I came to you, but you were not at home. 9. Where are your children? - They are skating in the park.