Har bir odam mehnat qiladi, va u mehnatiga yarasha baxt keladi.Biz hammamiz mehnat qilar ekanmiz bu yo'lda hech qachon yo'xtash kekar emas.Ilm olish ham mehnat, ishlash ham mehnatdir,demak hamma odam mehnat qilar ekan.Mehnat qilsak albatta rohatini,baxtini olamiz, oxiri baribir baxt va rohat bo'ladi.Ilm olib mehnat qilsak ham katta bo'lganda baxtga sabab bo'ladi,ishlab mehnat qilsak ham oxiri baxt bo'ladi.Bu baxtga erishish qiyin, lekin astoydil harakat qilsak , dangasa bo'lmasak "Mehnat baxt keltirar" xalqimiz aytganidek "Mehant mahnatning tagi rohat"!
On Monday we had five lessons. The first lesson was Russian. At this lesson we wrote a dictation and did some exercises. Nick went to the blackboard. He answered well and got a "five". Pete did not get a "five" because he did not know his lesson. After the second lesson I went to the canteen. I ate a sandwich and drank a cup of tea. I did not drink milk. After school I did not go home at once. I went to the library and changed my books. Then I went home.