If the only time you think about working on your performance is before the annual performance evaluation, you are not alone. Most of us today prefer to stay quiet and let someone else point out possible improvements in their work. The reason? Well, it’s a simpler choice. However, let’s think about this carefully – you’re talented, you’re productive, you’re good at your job, but how will you grow into it if you are not focusing on improving yourself.
No matter how skilled or productive you are, there’s always a possibility to do a job better than before. Keeping an eye on enhancing your skill set and exploring ways to learn something new is the initial step towards becoming a better version of yourself. It not only helps to increase your work performance but also creates potential opportunities for your professional development.
У 1502-1504 рр. А. Веспучі (освічений флорентієць, який жив в Іспанії) обстежив (спілкувався з місцевими жителями, вивчав клімат, рослинність нових країв, зоряне небо) східне узбережжя Північної Америки до 50° пд. ш. і прийшов до висновку, що вона не належить до Азії. У звітах про подорожі він називав відкриту землю материком.