Башенный мост
Тауэрский мост — один из пяти лондонских мостов, принадлежащих и обслуживаемых благотворительным фондом Bridge House Estates, контролируемым Корпорацией лондонского Сити. Мост состоит из двух мостовых башен, соединенных на верхнем уровне двумя горизонтальными проходами, предназначенных для противостояния силе горизонтального натяжения, создаваемой подвесными секциями моста на боковых сторонах башен. С 1977 года до реставрации 2010-х годов мост был окрашен в красный цвет, белый и синий цвета.
Tower bridge
Tower Bridge is one of five London bridges owned and operated by the Bridge House Estates Foundation, controlled by the City of London Corporation. The bridge consists of two bridge towers, interconnected by two horizontal walkways, designed to withstand the forces of horizontal tension created by the suspended sections of the bridge on the sides of the tower. From 1977 until the restoration of the 2010s, the bridge was painted red, white and blue.
No visit to Sydney would be complete without seeing the famous Harbour Bridge & Opera House. But for those of you who like a bit more excitement, how about climbing the Harbour Bridge’s arch – the largest in the world! Climbs take 3.5 hours
Why not splash out on a seaplane tour for breathtaking views of the city and the islands in Sydney’s beautiful natural harbour? As well as getting the chance to take some spectacular photographs, your experienced pilot will give a detailed commentary throughout the flight.
On this fun bike tour, you’ll see over thirty city attractions including the Royal Botanic Gardens and Chinatown. In the afternoon, you’ll take a ferry ride to see the city skyline. If you’re lucky, you may even catch a glimpse of endangered penguins or migrating humpback whales!
What better place to learn to surf than on this famous one-kilometre-long beach? The two-hour group lesson will teach you how to understand surfing conditions and to practise your technique before you get into the water.. approximately 50 km west of Sydney for the wondrous Blue Mountains. This two-day tour starts with breakfast with koala bears, followed by visits to ancient aboriginal sites and a ride on I the world’s steepest railway.
Сокращала как могла
great - huge
kind - charitable
shelter- apartment
area - place
unique - exclusive
view - landscape
to admire - to be proud