1) The Red Sea. 2) The Urals. 3) The Volga. 4) The Alps. 5) The Caucasus Mountains. 6) The Thames. 7) Madrid. 8) Africa. 9) North America. 10) South America. 11) Oxford Street. 12) Red Square. 13) Hyde Park. 14) Lake Baikal. 16) Europe.
Артикль the не употребляется с названиями континентов, планет, стран, городов, улиц, озер, с названиями университетов, храмов, праздников.
Артикль the используется с названиями морей, рек, гор, отелей, музеев, театров. The ставим перед фамилией что обозначает семью (the Smiths).
TheyGerman courses these three months.
are attending
Jack...always at the lesson!
is chewing
My friends...around the city for many hours and were tired.
had been walking
Physics is asas Chemistry.
I would rather porridge for breakfast.
Mr.Brown stoppedat the age of 60.
He will never forgetLondon for the first time.
It was kind of you us to the party.
to invite
You speak loudly at the library. It's forbidden.
It be Bill's car. He sold his car last month.
This news on TV recently.
has been announced
Ted said that his project by next Monday.
would have been finished
If she had been more attentive, she... so many mistakes in the test.
wouldn't have made
I would have helped you to translate the article if I German.
had known
Steve couldn't use his printer yesterday. It the whole day.
was being fixed
Did you remember seats for the theatre performance?
to book
I wish you more polite and patient.
Susan wondered if Helen her exam successfully the previous week.
had passed
We won't start until everyone
Let's take part in this contest, ?
shall we