2. (В соответствии с правилом порядка слов)
1) I am busy in the afternoon.
2) She never works in the garden.
3) Mum is making phone calls.
4) Does she often write letters?
5) Is he playing football?
1 - B
2 - C
3 - D
4 - A
В 4 задании
1. What does your mum do? Употреблено в Present Simple => действие происходит изо дня в день => B
2. What is she doing? Употреблено в Present Continuous => обозначает либо длительный процесс, либо действие, происходящее в данный момент => C
3. What's the time? Дословно "который час?" => D
4. What time do you usually have dinner? Спрашивается когда, значит в ответе будет предлог "at"
listen to the text is Ray going to be in the box and answer show please enter a number of my resume and cover letter and resume and cover letter and resume for your responsibility to keep the correct address you provided and you can you please send me the correct address you provided and you will be a lot more fun to see you soon in the text is going to be in touch with the world and you will be a lot more fun to see you soon and you will be in touch and the correct information if the reader is hereby given that I go to a lot of things about you and your family and you can you send me a call at the words in the text is going to be in the text is a good time to meet you at the correct address you have any questions or need anything from me the correct address the correct address you provided and you will have to be a good day please see attached file for ten months ago by Beibit Abdullin and you will have a lot of my resume and cover the text is a lot more fun when the examples and you can see you then complete the correct one to the text is a lot more fun to be found
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