B THINK AND PLAN Copy the ideas web and make notes about the celebra tion. People do When / these things Where? What's the celebration? Things I do Things I like поставлю
Выберите страшилку или расстраивающий сон в котором вы недавно были (тем более если это случилось этим утром!) и измените (переконструктируйте) концовку сна. Выберите что-нибудь что оставляет чувствовать себя уполномоченно, свободно, уверенно и хорошо про этот новый сценарий, вместо того вы почувствовали во время или после фактического сна. Прежде чем засыпать вечером сядьте в удобное положение, расслабьтесь и сосредоточтесь на пару минут. Это может вам поочередно расслабиться и расслабить другие части тела и будете свидетелем вместо концентрации от каких либо мыслей в своем разуме.
Согласно тексту: On Saturday Mrs. Wilson got up early in the morning. She had a lot to do. She said to Mr. Wilson: "It's time to get up! We've got visitors later today." After breakfast Mrs. Wilson said to Mr. Wilson: "Please go shopping. Buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice-cream". Mr. Wilson bought a lot of bananas and sweets, red apples and some ice cream. Mrs. Wilson came to the kitchen and took butter, eggs and sugar. She made a big cake. Then she cooked a tasty dinner. Mrs. Wilson put on her nicest dress. Mr. Wilson put on his best blue shirt. "I think we are ready" - said Mr. Wilson. They saw a car which stopped next to their house. They opened the door. And here was Jason and his mum and dad. Jason was six years old. He came to the country to see his grandma and grandpa. They were all happy. Предложения следуют в таком порядке: «It’s time to get up. We’ve got visitors later today». «Buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice-cream». Mrs. Wilson made a big cake. He put on his best blue shirt. They opened the door. He came to see his grandma and grandpa.
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