1)Where was Roger going? - He was going to the exhibition.
2)What was you drinking? - I was drinking apple juice.
3)Who was riding a bike over there? - My neighbor Mike is.
4)Why were Dolly and Cathy looking through the magazines? - Because they were looking for some information for their report.
5)Was it snowing outdoors? - Yes, it was. It was snowing very hard and it was getting colder.
6)Whom was he speaking to? - He was speaking to his uncle. They were discussing what present to buy for granny.
7)Was Helen going to her office now? - No, she wasn't. She was having a day off today.
8)What were they doing? - They were repairing a motorbike.
9)Where were you hurrying? - I was hurrying to the concert. My husband was waiting for me near the concert hall.
10)Who was preparing the performance in the assembly hall? - My classmates were having a rehearsal there now.
1 a detention centre центр для содержания под стражей правонарушителей
a law-abiding citizen законопослушный гражданин
a minimum-security prison camp тюрьма с минимальной изоляцией заключенных
a penitentiary тюрьма
a warden тюремный надзиратель
an inmate заключенный
an offender правонарушитель, преступник
drug trafficking торговля и распространение наркотических веществ
extortion вымогательство
illegal firearms possession незаконное владение огнестрельным оружием
the Department of Justice Министерство юстиции (США)
to be convicted of crimes быть осуждённым за преступления
to serve the sentence отбывать наказание
2 Persons, who are convicted of crimes under the federal law - лица, осуждённые за совершение преступлений по федеральным законам
The Bureau was created by the U.S. Congress in 1930 - Бюро было создано по поручению Конгресса США в 1930
Headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Prisons are situated in Washington, D.C. - Штаб-квартира Федерального бюро Тюрем расположена в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия.
The agency is divided into six geographic regions. - Организация поделена на шесть региональных подразделений по географическому признаку.
Each region is headed by a Regional Director - Каждое региональное подразделение возглавляет региональный директор
3 Persons, who are convicted of crimes under the federal law, are to serve their sentences in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a branch of the U.S. Department of Justice. - Лица, осуждённые за совершение преступлений по федеральным законам обязаны отбывать наказание в учреждениях под управлением Федерального бюро Тюрем, подчиняющегося Министерству юстиции США.
Each region is headed by a Regional Director who should supervise prisons and community corrections centers; usually 2-3 associate wardens may help him to exercise his duties. - Каждое региональное подразделение возглавляет региональный директор, который должен осуществлять надзор за тюрьмами и общественными исправительными центрами; обычно начальники могут иметь по чтобы справляться с обязанностями.
1. It was a long day and I'm tired. I will be exhausted.
2. When she is 10, she will do the housework to help her mum.
3. We will go to bed early.
4. They will get angry.
5. I recommend you to watch this film, you will like it.
6. I didn't do the housework. Father will be upset.
7. Please wait a moment. I will check if I can help you.
8. Our good friend will come to our party on Friday night.