Most of all i love swimming. this is a very useful sport. ever since i started swimming, i stopped hurting . also, very nice to swim. even in a bad mood disappears somewhere. develop different groups of muscles, improves coordination. people, who can swim very well, feel almost like fish. all my friends i recommend swimming. i'm sure they will not regret. больше всего я люблю плавание. это полезный вид спорта. с тех пор как я стал заниматься плаванием, я перестал болеть . кроме того, плавать приятно. даже плохое настроение куда-то улетучивается. развиваются разные группы мышц, улучшается координация движений. люди, хорошо плавающие, в воде чувствуют себя почти как рыбы. всем своим знакомым я рекомендую заняться плаванием. уверен: они не .
It is very poor developed, as it has a lot of weaknesses and needs lots of reforms.
Some weak points: * Pupils have no choose of what to study. They get more than 12 mandatory objects, and they should prepare for all of them because each teacher thinks his subject is the most important. * Pupils learn so much theory but there are no practical appliance of it. The mojority of the moldovan schools don't have a well-equiped laboratory for chemistry and physics experiments. * There is no a lunch break, like in American schools, which means that pupils have to spend more than 6 hours at school without eating, which isn't very good for their health. * There is lack of transportation. Not all schools have a school bus to bring pupils to school, and for some of them it might be dificulty to get to school.
Some strong points: * The possibility to explore different cultures and languages. There pupils learn english or french form the second grade, russian from the fifth grade, and at lyceum they can choose one more language. * The Moldovan educational system provides an approved curriculum and qualified teachers, which offer children knowledges and prepare them for their future life.