Составить любой нормальный акростих на ко слову home или cat, если не знаете что это, то вот): акростих - стихотворение, в к-ром начальные буквы строк составляют какое-н. слово или фразу.
1. Maria wants to learn to swim.She should get some lessons. 2. I don't feel well today.You should consult the doctor. 3. I may be late for the lesson, I am afraid. I've been waiting for the tram for 20 minutes already but it hasn't come yet. What should I do? You shouldn't worry so much. 4. I have too much work to do. It's 11 o'clock already. I think I'll have to work for 2-3 hours. You should get another job. 5. She can't get home.She has lost the keys. She should call the police. 6. There is a terrible smell in the kitchen.You should air the room 7. He wants to be strong and healthy. He should take up sports 8. Bob and Tim are really nervous about their exams. They should sit up late.
1)I didn't know that Joe had to get up early, so didn't wake him up. If I knew he had to get up early, I'd wake him up. 2) I was able to buy the car only because Jane lent me the money. If Jane didn't lend me the money, I wouldn't be able to buy the car. 3) Karen wasn't injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt. If Karen didn't wear a seat belt, she would be injured in the crash. 6) You didn't have any breakfast that's why you're hungry now. If you had some breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry. 7)I didn't get a taxi because I didn't have any money. If had some money, I would get a taxi.
Here's the place where i live
Opposite neighborhood
Me, my family, you, all of us are believe
"Everything here will be good"
P.s. "neighborhood" тут используется не как район, а как соседи