ЗАГОТОВКА ГАЗЕТЫ Миллионы людей читают разные газеты. Кто делает газеты? Кто отправляет их новостным агентам и станциям? Посмотрим. Газетный офис получает информацию и различные сообщения по телефону и через Интернет от своих читателей и корреспондентов. Редакция рассылает репортеров и фотографов, чтобы взять интервью у людей. Иногда журналисты не могут вернуться в офис вовремя. Они пишут свои истории по телефону. Секретари набирают их. Редакторы новостей выбирают лучшие истории. Композиторы делают газетные страницы. 182
1) The castle was built in the 17th century.
The castle wasn't built in the 17th century.
Was the castle built in the 17th century?
What was built in the 17th century?
2) The books were brought from the library.
The books weren't brought from the library.
Were the books brought from the library?
When were the books brought from the library?
3) The lunch was eaten in no time.
The lunch wasn't eaten in no time.
Was the lunch eaten in no time?
Why was the lunch eaten in no time?
4) These cameras were made in Japan.
These cameras weren't made in Japan.
Were these cameras made in Japan?
Where were these cameras made?
5) The English language was spoken only in England in the 16th century.
The English language wasn't spoken only in England in the 16th century.
Was the English language spoken only in England in the 16th century?
When was the English language spoken in the 16th century?